Regarding baby feeding and nutrition, breastfeeding is often touted as the optimal option for both parents and babies. Many medical professionals and researchers say there are benefits of breastfeeding for the baby, like nourishing them and transferring immunity defenses to the child. However, that journey can be challenging for many moms — from learning how to latch correctly to finding the right products and nutritional strategies. But it can be gratifying if you’re willing to put in the work.
The Struggle is Real
I know first-hand just how difficult breastfeeding can be. After a rocky start with my daughter, I was determined to find ways to make it easier for us both. From talking with lactation consultants and using helpful tools like nipple shields and breast pumps to investing in more nutritious meals and snacks, I finally felt I had the needed support and resources. It was still hard work, but 15 months later, we were still going strong!
After delivering my baby girl (LO), I was eager to get breastfeeding off the ground… Little did I know that 24 hours later, we’d need to supplement due to me not producing enough. If someone had told me in advance about potential supply issues during those initial days of parenthood – they would save us from all the munching-and-bleeding-nipple-torture sessions. On the bright side, hey, at least now you’re aware! Motherhood is full of challenges but always worth it — so even if you don’t produce much milk right away, keep trying your best; eventually, things will come around. Guess being a superwoman takes more than nine months of practice.
Darn Shortages
Juggling an infant’s feeding can be challenging, especially when choosing the best feeding method. The best feeding method is what will give the baby nourishment. If you’re struggling to breastfeed, supplementing with formula is okay! Here’s a reminder, though – fed is always best, and don’t let other people’s judgment cloud yours. I wanted to breastfeed LO exclusively, so I put in the extra effort for exclusive breastfeeding. When LO was three months old, I had to alter my diet after realizing my little one wasn’t gaining enough weight! I told myself I would only do this until she turned six months. When six months rolled around, there was a baby formula recall and shortage, so, at that point, I decided to continue to breastfeed her exclusively.
Best Breastfeeding Tips
Through thick and thin, I was determined to breastfeed my LO exclusively, even if it meant struggling for months and consuming an extra 500 calories daily! What can I say? Nothing comes close to the comfort of a mother’s touch (or milk). To help make this journey easier for other mamas out there, here are some products and tips that made all the difference:
- A healthy diet – providing enough nourishment for your little one and yourself is essential! I usually ate breakfast and dinner pre-baby, and my lunch consisted of a shake or juice. During my breastfeeding journey, her pediatrician and my doctor wanted me to consume more protein (fish and meat) and carbohydrates.
- Remember self-care; while you’re juggling motherhood, all mamas need a time out now and then! Whenever my husband was around, or my parents or in-laws would be around, I would take an hour or two for self-love.
- Exercise is important. I tried on many sports bras to hold my boobs up, but they were uncomfortable during my jogs. I ended up just walking instead. Moving helps with the healing process of delivery.

- When transforming mom’s liquid gold into precious stockpiles, the haakaa manual breast pump collector was a blessing. With the ‘let-down’ reflex, that much sought-after first drop would have been lost forever! Together with Lansinoh Breastmilk Storage Bags and Spectra Baby S2, these gems helped create enough of an emergency supply so the baby could feed on her terms – even if Mom couldn’t be there every single time LO got hungry! Remember to check with your health insurance; most insurance covers one pump machine.
Social Media Benefits for Breastfeeding
Who said social media wasn’t beneficial for breastfeeding? I’ve learned so much surfing social media platforms during those early morning hours feeding LO. These two were my favorites!
- Need a dose of motivation and encouragement? Check out Milky Mama‘s Instagram! It’s chock-full of incredible stories to help remind you that mom life can be empowering and sweet – especially with some of their treats like Lactation Brownies. Their Emergency Brownie recipe is delicious AND helps boost your milk supply – so cheers, mama, put on those brownie-dancin’ shoes and let the lactating journey begin! And don’t forget about Lady Leche supplement, which makes the perfect daily pick-me-up for all nursing mothers.
- Sometimes as a new mother, the everyday struggles can seem overwhelming. Thankfully I had Peanut – an app that introduced me to other mamas in my area that were all going through similar experiences and let me know it was normal to feel the way I did! With them by my side, I worked up enough courage (and supportive products) to ensure the baby got breastfed exclusively for fifteen months – now that’s something to be proud of!
Breastfeeding Journey (Final Thoughts)
During my breastfeeding journey, I felt incredibly proud of myself when I could share some tips that helped me along the way with others. Above all else was an overwhelming love for my baby girl — something that no challenges or obstacles could ever take away.
Breastfeeding has taught me many lessons about perseverance, nutrition, and self-care — all essential for any new mom’s journey. So, if you’re looking for insight into making your breastfeeding experience easier (and more enjoyable!), remember that dedication, nourishment, and affection will get you far (and handy support products)!
Do you have breastfeeding products that worked for you? I would love to hear about them!
Do you need help with other baby products? I wrote an article about the best humidifiers for a baby’s room!
DISCLOSURE: This post contains affiliate links, meaning if you click on a product or service and decide to purchase it, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you. All recommended products and services are based on my positive experience with them.